Anxiety and Worry Strategies Worksheets
Anxiety and Worry Strategies()

Anxiety and Worry Strategies

Anxiety and Worry Strategies For Google Apps

Anxiety and Worry Strategies

Stop worrying about what others think. Easier said than done but will positive self talk you can do it. It can be damaging to us to obsess too much on what others think of us. People will always have opinions of us, some will be accurate and others will not. Understand everyone will not always like you and that is ok. Don't mindread what others think of you. Consider where it is coming from? Is the source reliable? Do you value their opinion? Surround yourself with true friends. Be the optimist when meeting someone for the first time. Making value judgements are rarely helpful. Rise above it. Reserve passing judgement. You can't control the actions of others but you can control how you react to it. Explain a time you worried about what others thought of you. Could the rules listed help you?

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